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Welcome to weighing-systems.com, the only web site dedicated to all aspects of scales and weighing systems world wide.

Innovation Unleashed

Working with industry and academia to enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.

American National Standards Institute

The American National Standards Institute Oversees Standards And Conformity Assessment Aactivites In The United States.

International Frequency Sensor Association

One of the largest Internet resources devoted to sensors, transducers and measuring instruments

The Powder / Bulk Portal

Information centre for powder and bulk solids handling and processing worldwide.

Choosing a Flow Meter

Comprehensive details on flowmeter manufacturers and suppliers together with useful technical information.

Time and Date AS

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National Physical Laboratory

A Guide to Weighing and Force Measurement Documents and Standards.

Your Weight on Other Worlds

Ever wonder what you might weigh on Mars or The Moon? Here’s your chance to find out.

Visit our Technology Centre for links to institutions,approval bodies etc Also visit the section on Approvals and Standards

We hope you find these sites interesting- let us know of others worthy of a mention here.

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